Python ElementTree-alike XML API for C++
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NetreeElementTree namespace; public classes and functions are defined here
 NfeedRSS/ATOM feed parser implementation
 CFeedRepresents a feed
 CItemRepresent a single feed item
 CAttributeProxy value type yielded by AttrIterator
 CAttrIteratorRepresents iteration position produced by AttrMap::begin() and AttrMap::end()
 CAttrMapRepresents a mapping of an Element's attribute names to their values
 CChildIteratorRepresents iteration position produced by Element::begin() and Element::end()
 CElementRepresents a reference to a single XML element
 CElementTreeRepresents a reference to the root of an XML tree, the document itself
 CNullableLightweight wrapper to add nullable semantics to another type
 CQNameCanonical representation for a name-namespace pair, without namespace prefix, in James Clark's Universal Names notation
 Cxml_errorThrown to indicate libxml2 raised a parse error
 CXPathManages a compiled XPath expression
 CXPathContextManages a set of registered XPath namespaces and extension functions
 NmyunitMyunit: Ultra tiny test framework
 CTestInternal descriptor for a test case, tracks the name of the unit where the test was defined, its name, and a reference to its closure
 CTestSetupInternal descriptor for a function to be executed once during unit initialization
 Chash< etree::QName >