Python ElementTree-alike XML API for C++
etree::Element Member List

This is the complete list of members for etree::Element, including all inherited members.

ancestorOf(const Element &e) const etree::Element
append(Element &e)etree::Element
attrib() const etree::Element
begin() const etree::Element
child() const etree::Element
child(const QName &qn) const etree::Element
children(const QName &qn) const etree::Element
children() const etree::Element
Element(const Element &e)etree::Element
Element(const QName &qname)etree::Element
Element(const QName &qname, kv_list attribs)etree::Element
end() const etree::Element
ensurechild(const QName &qn)etree::Element
ensurens(const string &uri)etree::Element
find(const XPath &expr) const etree::Element
findall(const XPath &expr) const etree::Element
findtext(const XPath &expr, const string &default_="") const etree::Element
get(const QName &qname, const string &default_="") const etree::Element
getnext() const etree::Element
getparent() const etree::Element
getprev() const etree::Element
getroottree() const etree::Element
insert(size_t i, Element &e)etree::Element
ns() const etree::Element
ns(const string &ns)etree::Element
operator!=(const Element &other) const etree::Element
operator=(const Element &)etree::Element
operator==(const Element &other) const etree::Element
operator[](size_t i)etree::Element
qname() const etree::Element
qname(const QName &qname)etree::Element
remove(Element &e)etree::Element
removeall(const XPath &expr)etree::Element
size() const etree::Element
tag() const etree::Element
tag(const string &tag)etree::Element
tail() const etree::Element
tail(const string &s)etree::Element
text() const etree::Element
text(const string &s)etree::Element